Parking lot's at Frankfurt Airport

5 tips for a cancelled trip from Frankfurt Airport

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What do I need to consider when travelling by air: 5 tips for a relaxed journey

1. Be in time at the airport

Check in suitcase, get ticket, look for gate ... If you do that on the last pusher, the start to the most beautiful time of the year is little fun. Every snake, every confusing shield becomes an adrenaline rush. It doesn't have to be that way. About two to two-and-a-half hours before departure, you should arrive at the airport. Then you have plenty of time, even if unforeseen delays still appear.

2. Do you choose the parking lot wisely?

Anyone who has ever stood in the parking lot of Frankfurt Airport for a while knows: This is expensive fun. The fright then comes unprepared at the parking checkout. It is cheaper, but only to a limited extent convenient, to leave the car outside or at home and to travel to the airport by public transport. In addition, with an open parking lot, you never know if your car is safe there.
For example, if you know your car safely and want to arrive at the airport comfortably, you can use the service of Fly Auto Parking. Long-term parking with protection from damage and theft as well as a comfortable valet service have a manageable price and you can get relaxed in the plane.

3. Check in online

You are there in time and your car is standing warm and dry in its car park. Ideally, you're already checked in now. For some airlines, this can be done up to 48 hours before take-off. All you need is a passport or your ID card. Then all you have to do is drop off your luggage at check-in or at a drop-off counter.

4. Measure and weigh

Nothing is more annoying than having to make expensive repayments at the counter because of exceeding the permitted size or because of the extra weight. Whether you're departing from Frankfurt Airport or another airport, measure and weigh your luggage at home – and look into your airline's regulations. How much you are allowed to take with you for free and how large your suitcases can be is sometimes quite different from airline to airline. Important: Don't Google anywhere, but look directly into your airline's terms and conditions.

5. Preparing for security

Their large suitcases are already on their way into the plane. Now all you and your hand luggage need to do is check. And this has become much stricter since 9/11 at the latest. In the meantime, for example, completely taboo are:

  • knife
  • Deodorant sprays
  • Razor
  • Needles
  • Telescopic hiking sticks
  • Tennis racket

Liquids may not be unlimited with –. Up to 10 containers with a maximum filling of 100 ml each may be. In addition to drinks, this also applies to:

  • Lotions
  • Gels
  • Perfumes, deos or the like
  • Pastes
  • Liquid drugs

So count together if you exceed those quantities when packing your hand luggage. Clothes and shoes can also be problematic in the security check. Ranger Boots with steel cap or clothes with eyelets, studs and other metal fittings you very likely need to take off.